Have you heard of 'Secondhand September'?

I only learned about it recently...and now September is almost over ha! But the concept is worthwhile anytime of year ;)

I love the intention of a month focused on shopping secondhand...it sparked this month's nugget of wisdom.* Rather than talk about shopping tips... I'll share a few tips for letting go of items in your home.

When I first started decluttering, getting stuff out of my house to a donation center was hard enough *phew*. Later as my business got more involved in sustainability, I learned how much stuff gets tossed from donation centers :/

Sooo I got creative with ways I could 'prep' the stuff I was donating to look more attractive and *hopefully* not get thrown out:

  • keep pairs of shoes together by tying their shoelaces to each other
  • use containers or ziploc bags to keep sets together
  • for random small decor or toys create fun 'sets' that can be used together (i.e. teddy bear with toy food, candle holder with paintbrushes)
  • research pick up donation services in your area, often they're connected with charities - they list items they want and come pick it up at your door
  • for each item I'm giving away, I like to visualize a person who will find that item and feel SO happy because it was just what he/she was looking for!

If reading these tips is giving you the itch to do some decluttering, here are my top 2 tips for letting go of items.

1) Ask yourself 'Why am I keeping this?' is it because 'I want...' or 'I should..' If you answer 'I should' then it's probably something you won't be inspired to use much... why not let it go to someone who really wants it ;)

2) Say 'thank you' to the past but focus on the present. This I learned from Marie Kondo and helped me with sentimental stuff. Appreciate the item for the role it had in your life & let it go. Focus more on keeping items you love & use now.

Let me know if you try one or more of these tips, I love hearing from you. Hope you have a wonderful last few days of September!

Lots of love,


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Who's Yun-A ?

I’m an interior redesigner turned consultant and course creator. I’m also a wife and mom.

I love serving millennial women. Everything I design with busy life in mind: offering simple, short & practical ways to enjoy the beauty around you :)

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