Lesson learned: Don't Skimp on Reflection

Hi Reader :)

The other day I was feeling 'blah', frustrated and stuck, all at once lol! Relatable? Just one of those 'cloud around your head' days...I knew why but that still it didn't make the feeling go away.

With our family adjusting to new summer schedules and all the decisions, my brain was feeling maxed out. The last thing on my mind was to stop and reflect with so much to do!

But I did. I took a few hours of 'me-time' at Starbucks, without my laptop or phone. Instead I brought my two favorite pens and my journal.

There's something about the lighting at dusk... it's got a reflective mood to it. Sitting outside taking in the summer air at dusk, just reaffirmed that this was exactly what I needed.

Here's the lesson for this month's Wednesday Wisdom*: When your schedule feels like it's about to burst THAT's the moment to slow down and reflect.

Reflection is like a filter. Sifting through, the often loud, daily to-dos with alarms, notifications and reminders... to focus on the deeper, bigger picture which is basically your 'why' for doing all the daily things.

We need those reminders especially in chaotic times. The same goes for surrounding yourself with clothes & decor you LOVE and that hold meaning.

Connecting to our deeper 'why' is a more sustainable energy to make decisions from BUT getting to that place only comes when we pause to reflect.

I hope my lesson learned is helpful to you as you continue to enjoy the sun and excitement of this time of year!

Lots of love,


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Who Am I?

I'm Yun-A Johnson, an interior redesigner, style consultant and course creator. I'm also a wife and mom.

I love to serve busy women, whether busy building careers or busy moms of young children or both! Everything I design with that life in mind because I know how it is! Simple, short & practical ways to enjoy the beauty around you :)

How Can I Serve You?

For quick home projects like an office makeover, organizing the playroom or adding more wall decor. I've got a digital download to help!

For fullest experience, my signature program YAS Stylists empowers you to transform your outfits and home without buying or DIYing.

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